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Topic : Triumph windscreen, Headsup
Reg. Date : 11/09/2012
Posts : 263
Location : WODONGA, VIC, Australia
Posted : 25 May 2021 - 09:03   Post title : Triumph windscreen, Headsup
Just a heads up.

In regards to the accessory Triumph quick release windscreen.

Keep an eye on the bobbins.
While cleaning and polishing, when I went to refit the windscreen, I notice an unusual amount of play in the bobbin of one of the four mounting points.
I figured it was no big deal, grabbed the Allen key set, however with only the smallest amount of force the threaded section broke.

I know that I have done 100,000 miles plus and probably 80,000 miles of that has been with the windscreen fitted.

So just keep an eye out, as I would hate to think of some of the scenarios and consequences if one of those letting go, at the worst possible time and at speed.

Currently working closely with my friendly lathe man, in converting, all associated mounting points from 6mm to 8mm, thus requiring my lathe man to make new stainless bobbins and dress up caps.

The more I understand the human race, the more I love my bike.